Sunday, September 28, 2008

Porn and the Church

I was asked to draft some policy and procedures that address situations where pornography is being accessed using church computers. We may think this doesn't happen, but it does. As I was doing some research for this project I came across this terrible story from Texas.

Pastor Steve Richardson of First United Methodist Church in Royse City Texas, has admitted to trafficking child pornography from the computer in the church. The full complaint documents his actions and how he was caught.

First, this is a congregation that needs our prayers. Please pray for all involved in this situation.

Second, it is time for the Church, and the UMC specifically, to face the issue of pornography head-on. There are estimates that up to half of all men access pornography online, and persons in ministry are not immune. There are resources available to help us get started. Here are a few I've found interesting.

TechMission Safe Families
Breaking Free

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