Sunday, September 28, 2008

Porn and the Church

I was asked to draft some policy and procedures that address situations where pornography is being accessed using church computers. We may think this doesn't happen, but it does. As I was doing some research for this project I came across this terrible story from Texas.

Pastor Steve Richardson of First United Methodist Church in Royse City Texas, has admitted to trafficking child pornography from the computer in the church. The full complaint documents his actions and how he was caught.

First, this is a congregation that needs our prayers. Please pray for all involved in this situation.

Second, it is time for the Church, and the UMC specifically, to face the issue of pornography head-on. There are estimates that up to half of all men access pornography online, and persons in ministry are not immune. There are resources available to help us get started. Here are a few I've found interesting.

TechMission Safe Families
Breaking Free

Great day at Wesley Memorial UMC

We had a great day of training at Wesley Memorial in Wilmington yesterday. Bill, Steve, Jay and Donna took care of all the arrangements and made us feel very welcome.

We spent more time on MySpace yesterday than we did the previous week. After reviewing the basics of MySpace I asked the group why they thought MySpace was so popular. They gave some great responses.

1. It is empowering.
2. Kids can define themselves in the way they want to instead of being defined and classified by others.
3. Kids who are shy in real life feel more free to express themselves.

I love the interaction we have in these training sessions.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Youth and Video Games

The Pew Internet & American Life Project is a great source for reliable information about Internet use in America. One of their latest reports is Teens, Video Games and Civics.
This reports shows virtually ALL of American teenagers play video games and at least half of them play games on any given day. I'll confess, I'm not a big gamer. I like Solitaire, the original Mario games, and Brain Age on the Nintendo DS. I tried World of Warcraft but I don't think it is something I'll spend much time with.
This new report shows that for most teens, playing games is a social event. They play with others. This report dispels the myths of gamers being socially isolated and games having no redeeming value. I encourage you to take a look.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

White Plains Followup

We had our first Shepherding 21st Century Sheep workshop yesterday at White Plains UMC in Cary, NC. Rob and Emily were great hosts. They had everything setup and made sure everything was taken care of.
I was very pleased with the workshop, and based on the evaluations, most of the participants were too. I'd like to mention several highlights for me.
1. Great participation by the attendees. There was a lot of expertise in the room and people were willing to share.
2. As mentioned above, the hospitality and facility were great.
3. The Google Group worked as I hoped it would. Derek even posted a couple of things during the session to share with others.
I'm looking forward to Wesley Memorial in Wilmington this weekend.

I haven't had time to explore this yet, but here is the link to the Web-Empowered Church software that was mentioned yesterday.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cool Cat Christian Blog

I came across a new blog this week that I want to share.

Vicki Davis is a teacher who is well known and respected for the technology projects and activities she does with her students. I've been following her Cool Cat Teacher Blog for some time now. Just this week I saw that she also has a Cool Cat Christian Blog. On that blog she advocates for churches to use the new media and technology in ministry.

I especially appreciated her blog entry on Christianity and voting!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

God and Rambo - UMM Devotion 09.14.08

I try to see God in everything but I never thought I would see God in a Rambo movie!

Rambo movies are not the kind of movies I normally watch, too much blood and gore. However, this week I did watch the new Rambo movie on DVD. I had seen a behind the scenes special on the movie and that got me interested. Sylvester Stallone was talking about the situation in Burma, where the new movie is set. He chose the setting because he wanted to bring attention to the problems of Burma. Basically, the story is about a group of Christian aid workers getting captured and Rambo trying to rescue them.

The movie prompted me to do some of my own research. Burma has been ruled by a brutal and oppressive military government since 1962. The National League for Democracy won a landslide victory over the military government in 1990 but the was never allowed to take power. The Burmese people are going through an economic crisis and just buying food is a challenge for many. Add to that Cyclone Nargis which hit the country earlier this year. Some have estimated the number killed by the cyclone at over 100,000.

Just when you think things could not get worse, add a plague of rats. "The disaster, known in Burma as maudam, is caused by a cruel twist of nature. Once every 50 years or so the region's bamboo flowers, producing a fruit. The fruit attracts hordes of rats, which feed on its seeds. Some believe the rich nutrients in the seeds cause the rodents to multiply quickly, creating an infestation. After devouring the seeds, the rats turn on the villagers' crops, destroying rice and corn. In a country once known as the rice bowl of Asia, thousands of villagers are on the brink of starvation." (from The Guardian)

A very large number of the Burmese people are poor, abused, taken advantage of by their government, and struggling to survive. On the Rambo DVD commentary one person remarked, "The poor in the world, without justice, are but shadows." Nowhere is this more true than in Burma.

How do we respond to poverty and injustice in Burma and elsewhere? I think the scriptural commandments are clear.

Leviticus 23:22 When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest; you shall leave them for the poor and for the alien: I am the Lord your God.

Deuteronomy 15:11 Since there will never cease to be some in need on the earth, I therefore command you, "Open your hand to the poor and needy neighbor in your land."

Psalms 41:1 Happy are those who consider the poor; the Lord delivers them in the day of trouble.

Proverbs 31:9 Speak out, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Luke 14:13 But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind.

It seems to me there is probably no work more Godly than caring for the poor, the exploited, and the abused. I am very proud of our local church and its food pantry ministry. Each year the food pantry provides food and financial assistance to hundreds of needy families in the county. I am also very proud of the United Methodist Church that works to feed the hungry around the world.

That being said, I have to examine how I can be more involved in poverty and social justice issues. The challenge for all of us to acknowledge the hunger and injustice in this world and acknowledge the abundance and freedom we have in our lives. Then, through prayer, study, and meditation, decide how we can can be part of the solution and minister to God's people.

For more information
Free Burma Rangers
US Campaign for Burma

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Saving video from the web

Have you ever found a great video on YouTube or GodTube and wanted to save a copy? Maybe you were planning a presentation at a location where an Internet connection was not available or was unreliable. If you are like me, you always feel better knowing you have the video downloaded.

I've tried several websites that provide this service. The easiest one I've found so far is Go to, enter the url where you found the video and click the Download button beside the url box. This will take you to a new page. Near the bottom of the page are two links. One will download a high quality (large file) copy of the video. The other is for a low quality (smaller file) copy. You can save the video to your computer or a flash drive.

Happy Viewing!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hanna cancels Haymount presentation

The latest projection calls for Hanna to be over Fayetteville on Saturday morning. Not wanting to put anyone at risk, the organizers have decided to cancel the presentation this weekend. At least we will be ready for White Plains UMC on 9/20. (Image from

Monday, September 1, 2008

Preparing for Haymount

I've been putting the final touches on a presentation and handouts for a Cyberministry training event this weekend. The event will be held at Haymount UMC in Fayetteville, NC.

I'm trying something new to make the files available to the participants. I've created a Google Group that anyone can join. You will see there is a link to it on the right side of this page. Once folks join the group, they can access the files, and participate in a discussion board.